EDBT 2023 Best Demo Award for Topio Marketplace


Topio, the first and only digital marketplace for geospatial data in Europe, developed by Informational Management Systems Institute of "Athena" RC, won the Best Demonstration Award in EDBT 2023, that took place from 28 to 31 March 2023, in Ioannina, Greece.
Topio marketplace was developed by Kostas Patroumpas, Giorgos Chatzigeorgakidis, Spiros Athanasiou and Dimitris Skoutas, IMSI / "Athena" RC, in collaboration with TU Delft and Roleplay, in the context of Opertus Mundi, a project aiming to deliver a trusted, secure, and highly scalable pan-European industrial geospatial data market, which will act as a single-point for the streamlined and trusted discovery, sharing, trading, remuneration, and use of proprietary geospatial data assets, guaranteeing low-cost and flexibility to accommodate current and emerging needs of Data Economy stakeholders regardless of size, domain, and expertise.
View and download the full paper "Topio Marketplace: Search and Discovery of Geospatial Data" (PDF)
To learn more about Topio, visit https://topio.market/.
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