EDBT 2023 Test-Of-Time Award for G. Koutrika

HIL: A High-Level Scripting Language for Entity Integration


We are thrilled to announce that Dr Georgia Koutrika, Research Director at the Information Management Systems Institute  of "Athena" Research Center was honoured with the EDBT 2023 Test-Of-Time Award for her work “HIL: A High-Level Scripting Language for Entity Integration”, co-authored by M.A. Hernández, R.Wisnesky, R.Krishnamurthy, L.Popa, and published in the 16th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, (EDBT 2013).

The Test-of-Time award is given to papers that are outstanding, in terms of addressed challenges and broad impact over time. In 2014, EDBT, the most important European conference in the area of Database Technology, began to give a Test-of-time Award for the paper (or a small number of papers) that has had the most impact in terms of research, methodology, conceptual contribution, or transfer to practice since it appeared in the proceedings of EDBT. From 2018 on, it is given to the best such paper of the EDBT conference that took place ten years ago. 

The distinction has been announced in view of the upcoming 26th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, to be held in Ioannina, Greece, on March 28 - March 31, 2023 (2023 EDBT/ICDT Joint Conference).