Archimedes Joins Groundbreaking AI Initiative: CHAI Hub

Another international collaboration for Athena Research Center


Athena Research Center is pleased to announce that Archimedes, its Research Unit on Artificial Intelligence, Data Science & Algorithms, officially became a member of the newly founded CHAI Hub. This international consortium brings together universities, private companies, government entities, and regulatory authorities to collaboratively develop AI solutions alleviating pressure on healthcare systems. Led by Professor Sotirios Tsaftaris of the University of Edinburgh and Archimedes Lead Researcher, the initiative has received substantial funding—£12 million from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)—to pioneer advancements in AI for healthcare. 
The CHAI Hub, standing for Causality in Healthcare AI with Real Data, aims to create a comprehensive AI platform designed to address unique challenges in healthcare research and technology. This is crucial given the potential of Causal AI in understanding complex health data and tackling challenges such as infection, Alzheimer’s, cancer treatments, and more. 
Archimedes, under the leadership of Director Timos Sellis, will actively collaborate with the CHAI Hub in various ways. This includes fostering talent through educational initiatives, participating in joint research projects, and facilitating knowledge exchange. Professor Sellis emphasizes the critical role this collaboration plays, stating, “This is a very critical effort to promote AI within the European Union and the Healthcare sector, and Archimedes will greatly benefit from the exchange of knowledge and students”.
Professor Sotirios Tsaftaris, leading the CHAI Hub, envisions its role in accelerating the adoption of Causal AI in healthcare "Causal AI is the key to developing a reliable, responsible, and trustworthy AI, transforming demanding processes such as early prediction, diagnosis, and prevention of diseases”. The hub builds already on a strong footing in Archimedes in the area of Causal AI. The collaboration between CHAI and Archimedes will be a mutually enriching experience, fostering innovation and addressing societal challenges in healthcare and beyond.