We are pleased to share with you the AE4RIA Annual Activity Report for the year 2023.
As one of the largest sustainability-focused global research networks, ...
We are excited to announce that the Sustainable Development Unit (SDU) at Athena Research Center has been selected as one of the EU Climate Pact Partners! Among 417 outstanding applications, SDU proudly stands among the top 31 chosen partners.
As an EU...
Athena Research Center is participating in the new phase of EBRAINS (from now on “EBRAINS 2.0”) and is going to serve as a point of reference for neuroscientists from all academic and research organisations...
On January 31st and February 1st, 2024, the first mini-Summit...
Archimedes Unit of the Athena Research Center welcomes ECDC members
Archimedes Unit of the Athena Research Center, along with representatives of the Center, welcomed the Union of Economic and Commercial Advisors of Foreign Embassies in Greece (Club of Economic and...
Professor Chrysostomos Stylios, Director of the Industrial Systems Institute at Athena Research Center, delivered the presentation "Artificial Intelligence: Pillar of the 4th Industrial Revolution" at the conference organized on January 24 by the Gnomi Patras...
...2023 wraps up for the Athena Research Center with the new Robotics Institute up and running, and with an ambitious building program under way!