The Departments of History and Archaeology, Philology, History and Philosophy of Science and Digital Industry Technologies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), the Department of History and Archaeology of the University of Cyprus, and the Institute for Language and Speech Processing of Arthena Research Centre organise the graduate programme under the title “MSc in Digital Humanities”.
The programme calls for post-graduate students’ admission for the academic year 2024 – 2025 from December 2 to 17, 2024. This call for admission is this call is issued supplementary to the two previous calls for expression of interest (May 27, 2024 and August 08, 2024).
The classes start on January 07, 2025.
The aim of the MSc in Digital Humanities is to offer scientific expertise and to be a starting point for the development and expansion of research in Digital Humanities, an evolving and of significant scientific, social and economic interest domain, necessary for the protection of the digital heritage internationally.
It offers 4 specialisations:
- Data Analytics for Humanities
- 3D Technologies
- Augmented Textual Studies
- Geographic Information Systems
The Programme provides students with both the theore cal knowledge and practical skills needed in their field, together with a range of career opportunities in academia, research, cultural heritage, and beyond. The Programme is innovative and offers in-depth knowledge and expertise in the field of Digital Humanities (DH), designed for experts and enthusiasts in Philology, Archaeology, History, Philosophy, Informatics, and Information Science, among others.
The Programme will be provided by members of the three cooperating Institutions, as well as by distinguished scholars from other Greek and/or foreign Institutions.
The programme admits graduates from departments of Humanities, Social Sciences, Informatics, Information Science, Information Technologies, and Digital Industry Technologies, either from domestic institutions or from recognized cognate institutions abroad, as well as graduates from T.E.I. with related cognitive expertise.
The maximum number of students admi ed to the Master's degree Programme is set at fifteen (15) per specialisation, i.e. sixty (60) in total. If the number of successful candidates in a specialisation is less than five (5), the Programme Committee may decide not to operate the specific specialisation for the specific academic year, while the applicants of these specialisations will be evaluated for other specialisations according to the preferences declared in their application.
The Programme can also be a ended by students from interna onal student exchange programs, such as the ERASMUS+ program, in accordance with bilateral agreements in effect.
The duration of study leading to obtaining a Master's Degree is defined in three (3) academic semesters. Each specialization includes two semesters of a ending courses and one semester of preparing the MSc Thesis.
Necessary documents
The applicants should submit the necessary documents in a single pdf file to the Dept of History and Archaeology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, following the website hhps://
Hint: In the “Applications” field please select “New Application (Νέα Αίτηση)”, and then “05 Application to Postgraduate Programme (Αίτηση υποψηφιότητας σε Μεταπτυχιακό Πρόγραμμα Σπουδών)”.
For applicants who do no have either Na onal and Kapodistrian University of Athens nor TAXISNET (Greek Tax System) creden als to connect, please contact the Programme Secretariat dh[at]
1. Application for candidacy, in which the reasons for studying at the Program are set out, as well as the specialisation in which the candidate is interested in studying. Candidates may indicate in their application more than one specialisation in order of priority.
2. Detailed CV.
3. Copies of BSc from universi es or equivalent institutions in Greece, or from foreign ins tu ons recognized by DOATAP (Hellenic Na onal Academic Recogni on and Informa on Centre, Hellenic NARIC), in accordance with the applicable legislation.
4. Detailed Transcript of the ΒSc.
5. Copies of master's and doctoral degrees, if available, from universities or equivalent institutions in Greece, or from foreign institutions recognized by DOATAP (Hellenic Na onal Academic Recogni on and Information Centre, Hellenic NARIC), in accordance with the applicable legislation.
6. Publica ons in peer-reviewed scien fic journals or conferences, if any.
7. Evidence of scholarships and awards.
8. Up to two recommendation letters.
9. A language proficiency cer ficate in English at a level of at least B2, recognised in accordance with the applicable legislation.
10. Evidence of professional or research activity, if any.
11. For foreign candidates willing to a end the programme in Greek, a cer ficate of Proficiency in Greek or a sufficient knowledge of the Greek language (verified by the Evaluation Committee of the Postgraduate Programme) is needed.
12. Addi onal information at the candidate's discre on, such as evidence of professional or research ac vi es related to the subject of the postgraduate programme, etc.
13. Single-page photocopy of both sides of the ID card or Passport.
14. A recent photo.
Evaluation process
The evaluation of the candidates and the selec on of the admited ones is based on the following criteria and with a rating scale from 0 to 100 evaluation points:
1. Bachelor's degree. The degree grade (in 1-10 scale) is multiplied by 4. Maximum number of points: Forty (40). In case of more than one degree available, the degree with the highest grade is taken into account.
2. Grade in undergraduate courses or thesis related to Digital Humani es: Up to five (5) courses are chosen and/or the bachelor/diploma thesis with the highest grade, the score is added up them and the total is divided by five (5). Maximum number of points: Ten (10).
3. Addi onal degrees, master's and doctoral degrees: Four (4) points for each degree beyond the one considered in criterion (1), six (6) points for holding a master's degree, ten (10) points for possession of a doctoral degree. Maximum number of points: Twenty (20).
4. Professional experience: Two (2) points per cer fied year of professional experience in a field related to the Programme: Maximum number of points: Ten (10).
5. Knowledge of foreign languages: Four (4) points for a C1/C2 level Cer ficate in English language. Four (4) points for a cer ficate in a second language at a level of at least B2, and two (2) points for each addi onal language at B2 level or higher beyond the second one. Maximum number of points: Ten (10). 6. Additional evaluation elements (publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals, or refereed conference proceedings, or scholarships, or other awards): Maximum number of points: Ten (10), which are distributed per additional evalua on element at the discre on of the Evaluation Commttee.
In case of a e (with mathema cal rounding to the nearest whole number on a scale of 100), the ed candidates will be admited, in a proportion not exceeding 10% of the maximum number of admited students.
Tuition Fees
For their participation in the "MSc in Digital Humanities", postgraduate students pay tuition fees totalling four thousand (4,000) euros, which will be distributed as follows: 1,500 euros for each semester of teaching, per specialisation, per student and 1000 euros for the semester in which the thesis is prepared. The deadline for payment of the tui on fee is the last day for the students registration. The courses will be held at the premises of the Dept of History and Archaeology, Dept of Philology, and Dept of History and Philosophy of Science at the Zografou Campus of the Na onal and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Transitional Provision
The candidates who have already submi ed the necessary documents during the previous Calls for Expression of Interest in the Programme, they will not submit them again. For more information, please visit the Programme's Website (h ps:// or send an email at the
More information about the Msc Programme in Digital Humanities as well as the Study Guide you can find here