The study was commissioned by the
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) of the European Commission, and it was carried out by
PPMI in collaboration with two project partners:
Know-Centre and Athena RC.
The objective of the study was to assist the European Commission in understanding, testing, and monitoring the progress of reproducibility over time and across the Framework Programmes.
The study primarily focused on the state of reproducibility during the implementation of Horizon 2020 and relied on a mixed-methods research design. It combined qualitative textual analysis of 50 Horizon 2020 projects and quantitative assessment of 300 Horizon 2020 projects (including assessments of FAIR-ness, reusability, and citation semantic analysis), as well as a large-scale survey programme of researchers, journal editors, and research funders. However, the study also goes beyond H2020 and explores various aspects related to reproducibility and open science in science in general.
During the webinar the participants will have the opportunity to discuss key findings, pose their questions and share their views and ideas, while representatives of the Commission will share their take on the study and the policy plans toward reproducibility and open science. The webinar will be concluded by a closing presentation held by keynote speaker Tim Errington, the director of research at the Center for Open Science.
If you are interested in the study and would like to participate in this webinar, please follow
the link to
register for the Webinar and access the preliminary agenda preferably
before 27 June 2022.