Trusted Content Networking: Reputation-based Trust for Information-Centric Networks


Trusted Content Networking: Reputation-based Trust for Information-Centric Networks
The H2020 NGI_Trust-funded TCN project, aims at providing trust and security functions for the Future Internet. To this end, Information-Centric Networking (ICN) paradigm, which emerges as a promising candidate for the Future Internet architecture, forms the basis of our project. In constrast to the existing IP paradigm, designed for supporting host-to-host communication, ICN names directly the content itself,regardless of its location.
In TCN, we explore the feasibility of utilizing reputation-based trust to solve open security issues in Named Data Networking (NDN), the most prominent ICN architecture. In particular, we focus on two distinct use cases: Content Poisoning Attacks and Bitrate Oscillation Attacks (BOAs) in Dynamic Adaptive Streaming (DAS).
In the former, we assume a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file sharing scenario. In such a setting, we are designing a proactive attack mitigation mechanism. More specifically, we are leveraging blockchain technology (the Proof-of-Prestige (PoP) consensus algorithm) to provide incentives for benign behavior and proactively mitigate malevolent content dissemination by attackers, effectively achieving the distribution of trusted content.
In the latter, we assume a multimedia streaming scenario, where users download and stream video files, using the DAS standard. In this framework, we implement a proactive reputation-based countermeasure which safeguards the network from Bitrate Oscillation Attacks. Our mechanism provides defense against ongoing attacks and thus, prevents the adversaries from degrading the benign DAS clients’ perceived Quality of Experience (QoE).
The open-source code of the project, is available at:
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