The newly established EIT Climate KIC Greece Hub is composed by a consortium of various organisations across the knowledge triangle partners of:
Athena Research and Innovation Center (ATHENA RC)

Person of contact: Prof. Phoebe Koundouri ( and Lydia Papadaki (
Academy of Athens (AA) - Research Centre for Atmospheric Physics and Climatology
The Academy of Athens was founded with the Constitutional Decree of March 18th 1926, as an Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Fine Arts. The same Decree appointed its first Members, who were all eminent representatives of the scientific, intellectual and artistic circles of that era. The general and overarching objective of the Academy of Athens, in accordance with its Founding Charter, is the cultivation and advancement of the Sciences, Humanities and Fine Arts, along with the communication of the Foundation and its Members with other Academies and fellow Academicians. In fulfillment of its objective the Academy conducts scientific research projects and studies in the areas of agriculture, industry, shipping, national economy. Furthermore it issues consultations, proposals, it adopts decisions and judgments for the instruction and guidance of the bodies and authorities of the state.
Person of contact: Yannis Kapsomenakis ( and Zerefos Christos (
European Regional Framework for Co-operation (ERFC)
European Regional Framework for Co-operation (E.R.F.C.) taking stock from a host of EU networks of excellence, in which its founders participated or initiated, is established in a converge region (Western Greece), with an expanding network of offices in other Greek & EU Regions. ERFC aims at serving as a best example of bottom up Institution Building effort towards EU Integration and regional competitiveness, playing a key role, contributing in the implementation of EU Regulations and Directives through its participation in EU funded networks & projects, at interregional level. Mainstreaming EU project recommendations into National & Regional policies is its ultimate goal.
Person of contact: Nikolas Petropoulos ( and Anaxagoras Fotopoulos (
Uni.Fund is a venture capital fund igniting entrepreneurship and leveraging the hidden potential that exists in the Greek Universities, R&D and Tech Space, by focusing on people and team development, implementation of successful go-to-market strategies and helping build the foundations of the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Person of contact: Katerina Pramatari ( and Dora Trachana (
The EIT Climate KIC Greece is supported by the associate Partners:
United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UN SDSN-Greece, hosted by ICRE8: International Center for Research on the Economy and the Environment)
The Greek SDSN has been included in the SDSN network and is co-hosted by ICRE8: International Center for Research on the Environment and the Economy and the Political Economy of Sustainable Development Lab. It is co-chaired by Prof. Phoebe Koundouri and Prof. Andreas Papandreou, aiming to contribute to achieving the goals of the SDSN network. The executive council is responsible for formulating the Greek Leadership Council that consists of politicians, entrepreneurs, academics and representatives of the civil society.
Person of contact: Phoebe Kountouri ( and Andreas Papandreou (Papandreou
The International Centre for Research on the Environment and the Economy (ICRE8) is a non-profit private Research Centre dedicated to interdisciplinary research on sustainable development and management of the Environment, Energy, Economy, Eco-innovations and their electronic versions (hence E8). The overarching goal of the Centre is to promote the understanding and implementation of Sustainable Development, as the only non-self-destructive path of socio-economic development.
Person of contact: Prof. Andreas (Papandreou and Dr. Achilleas Vassilopoulos (
Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research (IOBE)
The Foundation for Economic & Industrial Research (IOBE) is a private, non-profit, public-benefit research organisation. It was established in 1975 with the dual purpose of promoting research on current problems and prospects of the Greek economy and its sectors and of generating reliable information, analysis and proposals for action that are non produced elsewhere and can thus be of high value to policy makers in the context of economic policy making. In that sense, IOBE holds a unique position in Greek society: it is the only politically independent, non-partisan body dealing with major issues of the economy, and it aspires to being pro-active, that is, it seeks to identify, at an early stage, economic issues that can become crucial in the future and to propose timely solutions for these.
Person of contact: Elias Demian ( and Prof. Nikos Vettas (
Eunice Energy Group
Since 2001 Eunice Energy Group (EEG) has been one of the leading renewable energy companies in Greece. It delivers smart renewable energy solutions and investments together with our investment and technology partners. The Group has the vision to become a one-stop renewable energy house, actively operating in all areas of value chain of the sector. Capacity to sense, make sense and deliver innovative and solid solutions will provide the Group with strong platform for pursuing its vision on renewable energy revolution worldwide.