new embedded Systems arcHItecturE for multi-Layer Dependable solutions


new embedded Systems arcHItecturE for multi-Layer Dependable solutions

The nSHIELD project is, at the same time, a complement and an improvement of “pSHIELD”, a pilot project funded in ARTEMIS Call 2009 as the first investigation to build the SHIELD Architectural Framework for SPD. The roadmap proposed in this pilot project aims at addressing Security, Privacy and Dependability (SPD) in the context of Embedded Systems (ESs) as “built in” rather than as “add-on” functionalities, proposing and perceiving with this strategy the first step toward SPD certification for future ES. Within this scope, the role of nSHIELD will be to realize, demonstrate and validate this roadmap.
The leading concept is to demonstrate composability of SPD technologies. Starting from current SPD solutions in ESs, the project will develop new technologies and consolidate the ones already explored in pSHIELD in a solid basement that will become the reference milestone for a new generation of “SPD-ready” ESs. SHIELD will approach SPD at 4 different levels: node, network, middleware and overlay. For each level, the state of the art in SPD of single technologies and solutions will be improved and integrated (hardware and communication technologies, cryptography, middleware, smart SPD applications, etc.). The SPD technologies will be enhanced with the composable functionality that are being studied and designed in pSHIELD, in order to fit in the SHIELD architectural framework.
To achieve these challenging goals the project aims to create an innovative, modular, composable, expandable and high-dependable architectural framework, concrete tools and common SPD metrics capable of improving the overall SPD level in any specific application domain, with minimum engineering effort. The whole ESs lifecycle will be supported to provide the highest cross-layer and cross-domain levels of SPD and guaranteeing their maintenance and evolution in time
In order to verify these important achievements, the project will validate the SHIELD integrated system by means of fourt scenarios

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