EUROMAP was the first large scale survey for the language technology sector in Europe. Work focused on policy, research and development activities, suppliers and potential users for information and communication systems. All 15 European Union Countries, participated in the survey, including Norway and Iceland.
The main objectives of EUROMAP are:
Using the analytical results from various research fields, EUROMAP, as indicated by its name, designed a map which included an updated report on the field of language technology. Such information assisted the design of the thematic curriculum of European Research on LT and more specifically of the Fifth Framework Program which is responsible for joint R&D projects in Europe. It also aimed at offering to the national authorities a picture of potentials and abilities in this sector.
Areas covered by EUROMAP:
EUROMAP focused on the most important target markets for which LT systems are of vital importance for the development of the economy and of our every-day life in the information society:
  • improvement of information flow in ministries and other public organisations
  • greater efficiency of business activities in large companies
  • better client service provision
  • easier access and better content quality of information systems
  • sale opportunities in the electronics market for consumers
  • multi-level access to the content of educational and cultural organisations
  • greater linguistic coverage in the Mass Media
Research was conducted by a network of organisations, known as National Focus Points, which function in every country (ILSP / R.C. "Athena" plays this role in Greece). Their main aim is to evaluate the capabilities in the LT local market and to make recommendations based on their findings on a national level.
EUROMAP was funded by DGXIII of the European Commission. Technical manager of the programme was "Equipe Consultants Ltd", a British consultant company on LT. Equipe collected all national results and made a European guide for important opportunities, burning issues, dangerous zones and priority recommendations in R&D in LT.
The usefulness of EUROMAP:
 made its findings available to those interested in new opportunities. Through the duration of this project a number of activities related to information dissemination took place (information days, informative leaflets, information desk, press releases, participation in exhibitions etc.) aiming at a creative dialogue and co-operation among the research community, the suppliers and the users in every country and among countries. The following reports were published by ILSP / R.C. "Athena" within the EUROMAP framework: "National Policy Review" and "National Profile", which were considered to be of vital importance for the better understanding of market expansion in LT.
Duration of EUROMAP:
The project started in October 1996 and ended in March 1998. It comprised various stages ranging from a wide research market on national level to a micrometric investigation of certain cases, where LT is applied or could be applied with exemplary success.
Recently, the continuation of the project was approved under the title EUROMAP II having as an initial target a wider and more systematic dissemination of EUROMAP findings, greater awareness for the capabilities of language technology and the related Action lines of the Fifth Framework Programme.
Main deliverables:
"National Policy Review" and "National Profile".
Start Date
End Date