The Internet of Things (IoT) is the latest Internet evolution that incorporates billions of Internet-connected devices that range from cameras, sensors, RFIDs, smart phones, and wearables, to smart meters, vehicles, medication pills, and...
Hellenic American Educational Foundation's Athens College
EIT Climate-KIC is a European knowledge and innovation community, working towards a prosperous, inclusive, climate-resilient society founded on a circular, zero-...
Presentations have become indispensable in our everyday lives, whether at school, in college or at work. The SlideWiki project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme...
The 2nd ACM Europe Summer School for Data Science will take place the following July (12-18/7) in the heart of Athens and invites researchers around the world to attend a...
In 1987, Jim Gray and Gianfranco Putzolu introduced the five-minute rule for trading memory to reduce disk I/O using the then-current price-performance characteristics of DRAM and Hard Disk Drives (HDD). Since then, the five-...
We live in an era of exponential growth of information in the scientific world. To make sense of all this text and data and unlock the potential of this knowledge, we need text and data mining (TDM). The European project...
Hercules Dalianis, Professor of Computer and Systems Sciences at Stocholm University, will be at "Athena" Research Center on Thursday, March 1st, to give an interesting talk titled 'HEALTH BANK – A...